Happy50Plus is delighted to welcome a new contributor, Lily Liu (劉綺君). Lily will be writing a biweekly column, “Ms. 1.5G” (1.5 代大姐 Lily 劉), which will draw upon her personal experiences as a 1.5-generation immigrant.

Editor’s note: The experience of 1.5-generation immigrants, a term used to describe individuals who arrived in the United States as children and adolescents, is a unique one. Unlike their first-generation parents or U.S.-born siblings, their identity are split. In many ways, they totally assimilate into American culture, but in other ways, they are still connected to their heritage culture.

She emigrated from Taiwan at the age of six and has spent the majority of her life on the East Coast of the United States. Her professional background was in corporate communications and public outreach. She is based in Washington, D.C.

Happy50Plus is adding this English blog to reach out to our members’ children and grandchildren, other 1.5-generation Asian Americans, and our English-speaking audience.