About Happy 50 Plus Foundation
隨著人類壽命的不斷延長,全球各國均快速步向老齡化社會。【Happy 50 Plus-樂活50加】預見了華裔及亞裔熟龄族需要更多的支持、鼓舞和激勵,使其能夠健康、富足、投入、最重要的是 – 快樂!致力提供改善50歲以上熟齡族生活品質的各類信息(包括線上和線下),透過主辦多元有趣的線上和線下活動、教育性的研討會、各類興趣課程和推薦優質商品及服務,協助50歲以上的華裔熟龄族在美享受健康、富足進而富裕的退休生活!致力提供改善50歲以上熟齡族生活品質的各類信息(包括線上和線下面對面),透過主辦多元有趣的活動、教育性的研討會、興趣課程和推薦優質商品及服務,協助50歲以上的華裔熟龄族在美享受健康、富足進而富裕的退休生活! 我们的目標是為華裔(以南加州作起點)提供來自政府部門、非營利组織、社區團體、學術界和相關企業最即時、準確的資源和信息。
Happy 50 Plus envisions that the mature Chinese/AAPI American communities shall be supported, encouraged, and inspired to be healthy, prosperous, engaged, and most importantly–be happy! The mission of Happy 50 Plus is to be a one-stop information and resource hub to help 50-plus Chinese Americans and caregivers navigate the way to aging successfully.
Happy 50 Plus offers both online and in-person life-enhancing information, fun events, educational workshops, and quality products to encourage and inspire 50-plus Chinese/AAPI Americans to age with good health, prosperity, and happiness! It is our goal to provide Chinese/AAPI Americans in the U.S. a one-stop information and resource hub. This hub has the most timely, accurate and trusted resources and information from the government sector, nonprofit organizations, community groups, academia, and businesses.
Our Mission
The mission of Happy 50 Plus Foundation is to be a one-stop information and resource hub to help 50-plus Chinese/AAPI Americans and caregivers navigate the way to aging successfully.
Happy 50 Plus has provided culturally- and age-competent, in-language programs, services, and events focused on improving the social determinants of health for older Chinese Americans who are monolingual or with limited English proficiency. We are a highly sought-after partner for our well-attended and highly engaging events.
Additionally, we leverage the insights, knowledge, relationships and experience of our members, older-adult community we proudly serve, collaborators, and advisors to help position us as the go-to resource and leader in the field of healthy aging.

Partner with us
Happy 50 Plus 樂活50加 致力改善50歲以上在美華裔樂齡族的生活品質,作為連接華裔社區與美國主流社會的信息橋樑。通過網站、微信、臉書、推特、IG、電子報、見面活動等不同渠道,提供分享即時正確的在美生活信息,並持續主辦線上/線下有趣活動及座談分享會。與美國政府機構、非營利組織、醫藥機構、銀齡產業、著名醫學院/醫院等均有良好合作關係。如果您想與我們合作, 請聯繫我們: info@happy50plus.org.
Whether you are a government agency, private company, nonprofit organization, academia, philanthropist, or community development organizer, welcome to partner with Happy50Plus to provide greater impact and reach to the 50+ Chinese Americans in the United States.
- We have the ecosystem knowledge—We know the language, the communities, the media, and the people
- We have already established deep relationships with media outlets–can help to bring your impactful programs, using a culturally and linguistic competency model, to the right audience through the right channels
- We have been a LEADING THOUGHT LEADER, addressing many issue areas, that are specifically concerning for the aging Chinese/AAPI American population
- Through a multi-channel approach (virtual/in-person events, workshops, website, social media (English: FB, IG, Twitter, Chinese: WeChat, Line) , eNewsletters, and community partners, we can help your messages to reach the 50+ Chinese/AAPI Americans effectively
- We have great success in engaging the older Chinese/AAPI American audience, especially those with limited English skills, monolingual and/or socially isolated. We’d be happy to share our knowledge for your outreach programs, surveys, and focus groups

3477 Fletcher Avenue #C
El Monte, CA 91731
Happy 50 Plus Foundation has been approved by the Internal Revenue Services(IRS) as 501(c)(3) public charity non-profit organization. Your donation to the Foundation will be tax deductible. Our EIN # is 92-0367082.
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