
About Happy 50 Plus Foundation

隨著人類壽命的不斷延長,全球各國均快速步向老齡化社會。根據統計,洛杉磯縣(Los Angeles County)有超過18萬50歲以上的華裔人口,位居全美第一。【Happy 50 Plus-樂活50加】,預見了南加州華裔熟龄族需要更多的支持、鼓舞和激勵,使其能夠健康、富足、投入、最重要的是 – 快樂!致力提供改善50歲以上熟齡族生活品質的各類信息(包括線上和線下),透過主辦多元有趣的線上和線下活動、教育性的研討會、各類興趣課程和推薦優質商品及服務,協助50歲以上的華裔熟龄族在美享受健康、富足進而富裕的退休生活!致力提供改善50歲以上熟齡族生活品質的各類信息(包括線上和線下面對面),透過主辦多元有趣的活動、教育性的研討會、興趣課程和推薦優質商品及服務,協助50歲以上的華裔熟龄族在美享受健康、富足進而富裕的退休生活! 我们的目標是為華裔(以南加州作起點)提供來自政府部門、非營利组織、社區團體、學術界和相關企業最即時、準確的資源和信息。

Happy 50 Plus envisions that the mature Chinese/AAPI American communities shall be supported, encouraged, and inspired to be healthy, prosperous, engaged, and most importantly–be happy! The mission of Happy 50 Plus is to be a one-stop information and resource hub to help 50-plus Chinese Americans and caregivers navigate the way to aging successfully.

Happy 50 Plus offers both online and in-person life-enhancing information, fun events, educational workshops, and quality products to encourage and inspire 50-plus Chinese/AAPI Americans to age with good health, prosperity, and happiness! It is our goal to provide Chinese/AAPI Americans in the U.S. a one-stop information and resource hub. This hub has the most timely, accurate and trusted resources and information from the government sector, nonprofit organizations, community groups, academia, and businesses.


Our Mission


The mission of Happy 50 Plus is to be a one-stop information and resource hub to help 50-plus Chinese/AAPI Americans and caregivers navigate the way to aging successfully.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Guiding Principles


As one of the leaders in the field of aging, Happy 50 Plus Foundation (Happy50Plus) is committed to interrupt all forms of prejudice and discrimination.  We educate and advocate for change as it relates to inclusivity, ableism, and equity for all older adults. 

We promote, empower and champion our communities to address social injustices, and remove systemic discrimination. Additionally, we leverage the insights, knowledge, relationships and experience of our members, older-adult community we proudly serve, collaborators, and advisors to help position us as the go-to resource and leader, with regard to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of successful aging.



Partner with us

Happy 50 Plus 樂活50加 致力改善50歲以上在美華裔樂齡族的生活品質,作為連接華裔社區與美國主流社會的信息橋樑。通過網站、微信、臉書、推特、IG、電子報、見面活動等渠道,提供分享即時正確的在美生活信息,並持續主辦線上/線下有趣活動及座談分享會。與美國政府機構、非營利組織、醫藥機構、銀齡產業、著名醫學院/醫院等均有良好合作關係。如果您想與我們合作, 請聯繫我們:  info@happy50plus.org.

Whether you are a government agency, private company, nonprofit organization, academia, philanthropist, or community development organizer, welcome to partner with Happy50Plus to provide greater impact and reach to the 50+ Chinese Americans in the United States.


  • We have the ecosystem knowledge—We know the language, the communities, the media, and the people
  • We have already established deep relationships with media outlets–can help to bring your impactful programs, using a culturally and linguistic competency model, to the right audience through the right channels
  • We have been a LEADING THOUGHT LEADER, addressing many issue areas, that are specifically concerning for the aging Chinese/AAPI American population
  • Through a multi-channel approach (events, workshops, website, social media (English: FB, IG, Twitter, Chinese: WeChat, Line) , eNewsletters, and community partners, we can help your messages to reach the 50+ Chinese/AAPI Americans effectively
  • We have great success in engaging the older Chinese/AAPI American audience, especially those with limited English skills, monolingual and/or socially isolated. We’d be happy to share our knowledge for your outreach programs, surveys, and focus groups



樂活50加共同創辦人李兆平 美國老齡協會演講

樂活小編 洛杉磯 洛城焦點 樂活50加共同創辦人李兆平 美國老齡協會演講 洛杉磯訊 2023-03-27 02:00 ET 「樂活50加公益基金會」首席執行官兼共同創辦人李兆平, 將於3月29日在亞特蘭大舉行的「美國老齡協會」 2023年度博覽會上,發表主題為「推動在美華裔年長者實現社會、信息和健康平等正義」的60分鐘專題演講。樂齡會(AARP) 資深顧問 Susan Wang 將擔任主持人。(樂活50加提供) 總部在南加,全美擁有上萬名華裔會員的「樂活50加公益基金會」 (Happy 50 Plus...

我們一直在您身邊 We are always on your side!

Amid Tragedies, Hope Is Emerging For Older AAPI/Chinese Americans A Message from Amanda Lee, CEO and Co-Founder of Happy 50 Plus Foundation On Saturday 1/21/2023 night, right at the beginning of the Lunar New Year celebration, a gunman entered a dance studio in...

The Secret Sauce Is…A Community-Based Organization Shared How It Positively Impacts 6,500+ Older Chinese/AAPI Americans in the Community

Amanda Lee, CEO and Co-Founder, Happy50Plus In early 2018, I was thinking, I cannot believe I already turned 50! Having been in the United States since the 1990’s when I came to attend graduate school at Boston University and then stayed to work and have a family, I...

《回顧2020·展望2021》樂活50加 盡情揮灑勇敢追夢

欣逢洛杉磯世界日報45週年社慶,「樂活50加」很榮幸在2020年度裡與世界日報共同主辦了《我的疫情大小事》徵文活動、《樂活樂學教室》手機攝影、繪畫趣等系列線上教學課程,頗受好評。期許在2021年能夠繼續攜手開設更多元且有意義的課程及活動,來服務更多50+熟齡族的華人朋友。   ●50加的人生充滿希望、挑戰、和想像力!   不論您來美多少年,都可以在「樂活50加」找到您需要的信息、知識或連結,幫助您邁向健康快樂的圓滿人生!...

樂活50加執行長 獲頒2020全國老齡委員會“開拓者獎”

維吉尼亞州,阿靈頓市,2020年6月8日—今天,值得信賴並致力於確保人人都能健康老齡化的全美領導組織:全國老齡委員會(National Council on Aging, 簡稱NCOA),特別向【樂活50加】(Happy50Plus)的執行長李兆平(Amanda Lee)及另外四位來自全美的銀齡事業領導者頒發榮譽獎項,肯定他們為努力建立一個公正、有愛心的社會,並幫助所有人都能在有尊嚴、有目的和有安全感的情況下健康老齡化做出的努力和成績。 6月8日舉行的NCOA 2020年度【老齡化+行動虛擬會議】線上開幕式對獲獎者進行了表彰。...

NCOA Honors Five Trailblazers for Helping All Older Adults Age Well

Local leaders recognized at first national aging conference in COVID-19 era Arlington, VA, June 8, 2020 — Today, the National Council on Aging (NCOA), a trusted national leader working to ensure that every person can age well, is honoring four individuals and one...

June 8, 2019 Dementia Awareness Conference: When Memories Fade, Love Remains…

假如最親愛的另一半突然失智,你怎麼辦? 如晴天霹靂? 或無法接受?
今依然與愛妻牽手相伴。吳宗錦將於6月8日Happy 50 Plus樂活五十加「當記憶漸漸消逝

April 20, 2019—Dementia Awareness and Resource Conference in Monterey Park, CA

4-20-2019 社區暨家人照顧資源座談會圓滿成功,這次活動出席觀眾超過350人,現場主講包括SCE南加愛迪生電力公司,USC南加大老年學專家,AARP樂齡會家庭照顧專員,City of Hope專員,Vitas Healthcare專員,及Stephen 雷牧師的病患居家專題等,為予會長者提供了最佳的省電及各類政府免費福利項目申辦。樂活50加還為每位長輩提供福袋禮物,更在現場送出4張蔡琴演唱會門票及$250元現金禮卡。感謝這次活動的各支持贊助單位 Southern California Edison, United Health care, City of Hope, Stephen 雷牧師, 紐約人壽,福樂紀念公園,玫瑰山紀念公園 ,本次活動才得圓滿落幕。請關注樂活50加即將在6/8星期六在僑二中心舉辦的【當記憶消失愛還在】講座請上網登記免費入場券

Happy 50 Plus logo


3477 Fletcher Avenue #C
El Monte, CA 91731

(800) 881-3466

Happy 50 Plus Foundation has been approved by the Internal Revenue Services(IRS) as 501(c)(3) public charity non-profit organization. Your donation to the Foundation will be tax deductible. Our EIN # is 92-0367082.


