Happy 50 Plus

The one-stop resource hub that helps 50-plus Chinese/AAPI Americans navigate the way to aging happily and successfully.

Resources and Support for LA Wildfires

 LA County Disaster Assistances: Wildfire Resources: Los Angeles County Shelter Information and Locations: List of shelters in Los Angeles County. Sign Up to Receive Emergency Alerts Cal Alerts: Sends alerts about emergency situations that arise in your county. Alert...
Health Fair Vaccine Clinic

Happy 50 Plus Foundation Recognized for Excellence in Making Vaccinations Available to Older Adults and People With Disabilities

[El Monte, CA]— Happy 50 Plus Foundation and USAging in Washington, D.C. have been awarded the 2024 Immunization Neighborhood Champion Award by the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit (NAIIS) for their work through the Aging and Disability Vaccination...

Do Not Delete This Email from SSA!

By Happy50Plus Editor Team Social Security beneficiaries are often targets of fraudsters, but the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced that the recent emails sent to a large group of beneficiaries are legitimate and should not be deleted lightly.  This email...


See you soon at On Aging 2023 in Atlanta 樂活50加3月29日將於2023全美老齡產業博覽會專題演講

 Atlanta, GA — Happy 50 Plus Foundation (www.happy50plus.org) is honored to announce our presentation at the American Society on Aging (ASA) Conference this March in Atlanta. Happy 50 Plus CEO and Co-Founder Amanda Lee will lead a 60-minute session on Supporting Older AAPI/Chinese Americans to Achieve Social, Information and Health Equity”, moderated by AARPs Senior Advisor Susan Wang.

This year the conference is themed Advancing Health and Well-Being”, and will be held from March 27-31, 2023.

ASA conference is the nations largest aging conference.  Each year, thousands of experts and professionals from multidisciplinary aging fields attend the conference to learn about the latest trend related to older Americans and their families in innovation, social impact, economic security, housing, livable communities, justice, equity and all-important topics.

Although an integrated part of the American society, older Chinese Americans have been considered a hard to engage” population. It is largely due to language, cultural, or structural barriers, resulting in inequity to access information, resources, or care.

Consequently, many monolingual or limited-English proficient older Chinese Americans who experience less social network support suffer from social isolation, mental health issues, or poorer physical health.

In the 60 minute presentation, Amanda Lee will share effective strategies to reach and engage older Chinese/AAPI Americans in the U.S. Specifically, how a community-based organization uses innovative and cost-effective methods to reach and engage older Chinese Americans. Ms. Lee will also share powerful culturally and language-appropriate tools, and how cross-sector engagement methods can help achieve the social determinants of health and equity for older Chinese Americans.

We are grateful that Happy 50 Plus has grown to a 10,000+ member organization in four years. We are excited that our organization and community members will be highlighted in this important aging conference,” Lee said. We invite any of you who may attend the conference to join this session and hear what we have to share. We would also love to hear from you about your organizations effort and challenges in reaching the older Chinese Americans”.

The session will be held on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 1:45pm to 2:45pm ET. We invite government agencies, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and the academic communities that wish to reach and engage older Chinese Americans in the communities.

Please email us at amanda.happy50plus@gmail.com with any questions or requests for a meet-up at ASA 2023. For more details, please check ASAs conference webpage:  https://www.asaging.org/on-aging. ###

全美擁有上萬華裔會員的樂活50加公益基金會 (Happy 50 Plus Foundation) 將於3 29日在亞特蘭大舉行的美國老齡協會-American Society on Aging (ASA) 2023年度博覽會發表專題演講。樂活50加基金會首席執行官兼共同創辦人Amanda Lee 受邀參加本次會議,同時將主持一場主題為“推動在美華裔年長者實現社會、信息和健康平等正義60分鐘專題演講。AARP 資深顧問 Susan Wang 將擔任主持人。

由於語言、文化或結構性的阻礙,在美華裔長者被視為“難以激發參與感的族群導致獲取養老信息、生活資源或護理幫助的不平等。 因此,一些缺乏社交網絡支持及英語能力有限的華裔年長者,因長期的社交孤立與資源取得受限,導致身心健康出現問題而求助無援。

ASA銀齡博覽會是全美最大的養老產業展會。 每年來自老齡領域的數千名專家、學者、產業領袖將齊聚一堂, 探討分享老齡領域的最新趨勢,包括: 科技創新、社會影響、經濟安全、老齡住房、宜居社區、公平正義以及與年長者相關的所有重要話題。 今年的會議將於32731日在亞特蘭大舉行, 主題是“促進健康和福祉

樂活50加創立迄今四年,全美有超過萬名華裔樂齡朋友加入會員,並成功搭建與主流有效資源的共享橋樑。Amanda將分享接觸、吸引在美華裔長者的有效策略 她將介紹樂活50加以一個成立於社區的組織, 如何使用突破創新、適合的文化和語言, 以最符合成本效益的方法來幫助華裔和亞裔長者。Amanda也會說明如何以跨領域夥伴合作的模式, 幫助在美華裔年長者實現健康公平的願望。

“很高興樂活50加和我們的社區成員將在這次重要的老齡會議上得到關注 “我們歡迎政府機關、私營企業、非營利組織、學術團體,及任何希望接觸美華裔長者社區的機構,來聆聽我們的經驗分享。 也樂意聽取任何寶貴意見,探討在面對華裔年長者時,需要做出的更多努力和面臨的更大挑戰

樂活50加的專題演講將於美國東部時間 2023 3 29 日星期三下午 1:45 2:45 舉行。 ###

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掃碼關注微信號 樂活久久不怕老

About Us

About Happy 50 Plus

Happy 50 Plus was founded in 2018 as a social-mission community organization that serves the underserved 50+ Chinese Americans /AAPIs with language barriers and limited accesses to valuable information for healthy aging, and has dedicated to providing timely and reliable resources and information from government agencies, Fortune 500 companies, nonprofit organizations, academia, philanthropists, and community development investors that wish to reach the 50+ Chinese Americans/AAPIs in the United States.

Health Fair Vaccine Clinic

The mission of Happy 50 Plus is to be a one-stop reliable resource hub to help 50+ Chinese Americans/AAPIs and keep them connected to avoid social isolation. Most of the programs and materials we share are in-language and culturally relevant.

To date, we have registered 10,000+ AAPI older adults as members, and reached 150,000+ attendees/audience through community-based, life-enhancing educational virtual and in-person workshops, interviews and fun events.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Happy 50 Plus successfully pivoted our members and followers who are over 50 years old from in-person reach out to virtual and digital platforms. We educated and helped the older adults to learn how to keep connected through Zoom, YouTube, FB, IG, Twitter, WeChat, website and e-newsletters via emails. We successfully built a supportive and empathetic community for AAPI older adults.

Closing “digital divide” for AAPI older adults is an important mission carried by Happy 50 Plus.

90% of Happy50Plus members are California residents and 85% out of them are from Southern California, including LA County, Orange County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County and San Diego.

-We have the ecosystem knowledge—we know the languages, the communities, the culture and the target demographic; 

-We are the thought leader organization working specifically in the aging Chinese American/ AAPIs landscape in the U.S.; 

-We can effectively reach and engage the 50+ AAPI older adults through both virtual and in-person (when available) events, workshops, social media (WeChat, Line, IG, FB, Twitter), eNewsletters, and community partners with culturally-relevant messages; 

-We successfully built a nationwide community for  50+ Chinese Americans/AAPIs older adults, whether they are acculturated, bilingual, monolingual or socially isolated.





Ms. 1.5G

New blog, new contributor: Lily Liu 劉綺君

New blog, new contributor: Lily Liu 劉綺君

Happy50Plus is delighted to welcome a new contributor, Lily Liu (劉綺君). Lily will be writing a biweekly column, “Ms. 1.5G” (1.5 代大姐 Lily 劉), which will draw upon her personal experiences as a 1.5-generation immigrant. Editor’s note: The experience of 1.5-generation...

Happy 50 Plus Youtube Channel

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3477 Fletcher Avenue #C
El Monte, CA 91731

(800) 881-3466

Happy 50 Plus Foundation has been approved by the Internal Revenue Services(IRS) as 501(c)(3) public charity non-profit organization. Your donation to the Foundation will be tax deductible. Our EIN # is 92-0367082.


