Happy 50 Plus

The one-stop resource hub that helps 50-plus AAPI/Chinese Americans navigate the way to aging happily and successfully.

2025.03.課程時間表 March 2025 Calendar

【樂活50加】2025年3月課程活動表Happy50Plus Workshop Schedules- March 2025 Click below photos to register 點擊以下課程圖片註冊Virtual Exercise Classes 樂活ZOOM健身課   Zumba with Katie 尊巴舞-線上課 Date: 03/04, 03/11, 03/18, 03/25 HIIT with Vickey 50+肌力鍛練 Date: 03/14, 03/21, 03/28 Happy Art with...

Resources and Support for LA Wildfires

 LA County Disaster Assistances: Wildfire Resources: Los Angeles County Shelter Information and Locations: List of shelters in Los Angeles County. Sign Up to Receive Emergency Alerts Cal Alerts: Sends alerts about emergency situations that arise in your county. Alert...
Health Fair Vaccine Clinic

Happy 50 Plus Foundation Recognized for Excellence in Making Vaccinations Available to Older Adults and People With Disabilities

[El Monte, CA]— Happy 50 Plus Foundation and USAging in Washington, D.C. have been awarded the 2024 Immunization Neighborhood Champion Award by the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit (NAIIS) for their work through the Aging and Disability Vaccination...


Benefits of volunteering when you are 55+

By Happy50Plus 

There are many benefits for older adults participating in volunteer services. It can enrich their retirement life and have a positive impact on escalating their health and social connectedness.

According to past statistics, volunteers participating in the  AmeriCorps Seniors-Senior Companion Program, experienced a decrease in anxiety, depression, and loneliness after joining. 84% of the volunteers reported stable or improved health after one year of service.

Benefits of volunteering include but not limited to:
  • Reducing loneliness:
Volunteering is an effective way to combat the loneliness.

For many older adults, retirement can mean a shrinking social circle. By actively participating in community services, volunteers build meaningful connections, foster friendships, and counter social isolation.

The sense of common purpose and belonging within volunteer teams provides support, helping individuals form relationships and reduce feelings of loneliness, which positively impacts their overall well-being.

Health Fair Vaccine Clinic
  • Enhancing job skills:

Volunteering is also an opportunity for personal and professional growth, developing a diverse set of skills through practical experience.

From leadership and teamwork to problem-solving and communication abilities, volunteering offers a platform to cultivate these crucial new skills, making individuals more attractive candidates and enhancing their overall career prospects.

These activities can help older adults keep their minds active, promoting cognitive function, and providing an enjoyable learning experience.

Us Aging Vaccine Clinic - 5.30.24
  •  Connecting with the community:

Volunteering fosters a deep connection to the community being served, strengthening the bonds among residents.

Through active participation in community-driven programs, volunteers gain a profound understanding of local needs, challenges, and available resources.

  •  Bringing meaning and purpose to life:

Volunteering allows older adults to feel that they are contributing to their community, which is an important way to realize self-worth and find life’s purpose.

Whether it’s for environmental protection, helping vulnerable groups, or supporting educational programs, volunteering enables individuals to engage in activities aligned with their values, creating a deep sense of purpose. By dedicating their time and skills to causes they care about, volunteers can experience profound meaning and satisfaction.

  • Making new friends:
Volunteering is an effective way to expand your social circle and meet new friends from diverse backgrounds. Volunteer teams attract individuals passionate about a particular cause, providing an ideal foundation for building lasting friendships.
  • Improving physical and mental health:

Participating in volunteer activities can improve both physical and mental health.

Volunteering promotes an active lifestyle, with many opportunities involving physical labor and outdoor activities. The act of giving back to the community can reduce stress and foster a positive mindset.

Volunteering also offers social support and a sense of belonging, which can help build resilience and effectively combat feelings of depression and anxiety.

  • Stepping out of your comfort zone:
Volunteering can encourage individuals to explore new areas and challenge the boundaries of their comfort zones. It provides opportunities to take on new challenges and experiences, fostering the development of resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset.

By facing fears, overcoming obstacles, and venturing into unfamiliar territory, volunteers can unlock their untapped potential, recognize their true capabilities, and broaden their horizons.

  • Increasing empathy:

Volunteering offers opportunities to develop empathy and deepen understanding of the world around you.

Engaging in meaningful service exposes individuals to different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. This experience enables volunteers to empathize with the challenges other people face, cultivating compassion and the ability to connect on a deeper level. Through acts of kindness and support, volunteers can demonstrate human care and support.


Happy 50 Plus Foundation has received an AmeriCorps Seniors grant from AmeriCorps, the federal agency for national service and volunteerism. The grant will expand where Happy 50 Plus has been providing community services for older adults since 2018.

With this new funding, Happy 50 Plus will leverage the skills and experience of AmeriCorps volunteers in the Greater Los Angeles. The programs also enable adults over the age of 55 to gain valuable skills through service, helping them gainfully return to the workforce.

About Us

About Happy 50 Plus

Happy 50 Plus was founded in 2018 as a social-mission community organization that serves the underserved 50+ Chinese Americans /AAPIs with language barriers and limited accesses to valuable information for healthy aging, and has dedicated to providing timely and reliable resources and information from government agencies, Fortune 500 companies, nonprofit organizations, academia, philanthropists, and community development investors that wish to reach the 50+ Chinese Americans/AAPIs in the United States.

Health Fair Vaccine Clinic

The mission of Happy 50 Plus is to be a one-stop reliable resource hub to help 50+ Chinese Americans/AAPIs and keep them connected to avoid social isolation. Most of the programs and materials we share are in-language and culturally relevant.

To date, we have registered 10,000+ AAPI older adults as members, and reached 150,000+ attendees/audience through community-based, life-enhancing educational virtual and in-person workshops, interviews and fun events.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Happy 50 Plus successfully pivoted our members and followers who are over 50 years old from in-person reach out to virtual and digital platforms. We educated and helped the older adults to learn how to keep connected through Zoom, YouTube, FB, IG, Twitter, WeChat, website and e-newsletters via emails. We successfully built a supportive and empathetic community for AAPI older adults.

Closing “digital divide” for AAPI older adults is an important mission carried by Happy 50 Plus.

90% of Happy50Plus members are California residents and 85% out of them are from Southern California, including LA County, Orange County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County and San Diego.

-We have the ecosystem knowledge—we know the languages, the communities, the culture and the target demographic; 

-We are the thought leader organization working specifically in the aging Chinese American/ AAPIs landscape in the U.S.; 

-We can effectively reach and engage the 50+ AAPI older adults through both virtual and in-person (when available) events, workshops, social media (WeChat, Line, IG, FB, Twitter), eNewsletters, and community partners with culturally-relevant messages; 

-We successfully built a nationwide community for  50+ Chinese Americans/AAPIs older adults, whether they are acculturated, bilingual, monolingual or socially isolated.




Ms. 1.5G

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Happy 50 Plus Youtube Channel

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3477 Fletcher Avenue #C
El Monte, CA 91731

(800) 881-3466

Happy 50 Plus Foundation has been approved by the Internal Revenue Services(IRS) as 501(c)(3) public charity non-profit organization. Your donation to the Foundation will be tax deductible. Our EIN # is 92-0367082.


