美國加州放射科葉中治醫師表示: MRI(核磁共振)沒有輻射; CT(電腦斷層掃描)是X光輻射; PET(正子癌細胞掃描) 具有來自同位素的輻射; PET / CT僅用作有疑似癌症因子時追踪之用。


1. 每2年做一次乳房X光檢查,X光輻射有乳癌風險; 如果需要進一步的檢驗,可以使用MRI或超聲波掃描,無輻射。

2. 胸部X光、實驗室檢驗、大腸鏡檢查和子宮頸抹片檢查,每2年進行一次。

3. 建議每2-3年進行一次腹部和骨盆超聲檢查,快速簡單而無輻射。

4. 診斷檢查暴露的輻射量相較於罹患疾病的風險不需過度在意,不應因噎廢食。

5. 在陽光下四個小時或搭機飛越美國大陸,每個人的身體所吸收的宇宙r射線與照胸腔X光所接受到的輻射量不相上下,不需過度擔心。 


What should 50+ females know about medical test radiation?

By Anthony F Yipp MD

According to Dr Anthony F Yipp, a Radiologist, MRI has no radiation.  PET has radiation from isotopes. CT is X-Ray radiation.  PET/CT is used only as secondary for cancer tracing..

Also as some info for all females over age50:

1.Mammogram every 2 years. Nominal radiation with benefit verses risk of breast cancer. If need further follow up test, can use MRI or Ultrasound scan, No radiation.

2.Chest X-Ray, Lab test, Colonoscope screening and Pap smear every 2 years with physical examination.

3.Ultrasound screening test for Abdomen and Pelvis once every 2-3 years is recommended. Fast. simple and no radiation.  

4.Radiation from diagnostic exam is neglectable compare to risk and benefit. 

5.Four hours under the sun or a flight from coast to coast your body absorb as much X-Ray radiation (as cosmic r-ray) as from taking a chest X-Ray

That is why the airline flight workers only work 40 hours a week, for the body able make repair from radiation damage.