
在經歴了悲劇之後,洛杉磯縣心理健康部(LACDMH)創立了“Tea Time”計劃,旨在為亞裔美國人和太平洋島民(AAPI)的年長者提供心理健康意識和支持。今天,這一計劃在蒙特利公園慶祝其成立一周年。

短短11個月內,“Tea Time”的平均參與人數從2023年2月的每天50人增長至12月的180人,增長了約260%。此外,該計劃已經為160多人安排了與LACDMH服務的初步接洽。

該計劃主要服務於AAPI社區的年長者,每周二和周四上午10點至下午3點,在蒙特利公園的Langley蘭利老年中心——400 W. Emerson Ave舉行。


LACDMH主任Lisa H. Wong博士表示:“我們非常感激‘Tea Time’成為社區歡迎和受歡迎的新項目,它已成為提供希望和治癒的橋樑。‘Tea Time’提供了一個安全熟悉的空間,任何人都可以在這裏無懼無畏地交談。”


“Tea Time”最初提供了一個支持性社區,以便居民可以為悲劇哀悼。現在,它成為了打破障礙、在安全環境中解決心理汙名的場所。

東聖蓋博谷精神健康中心的職員瑞安·納姆(Ryan Nam)表示:“社區中的許多年長者對心理健康持有被汙名化的看法。”

自該計劃開始以來,瑞安就一直在“Tea Time”工作。他說:“我們認為心理健康是關於內心的感受,例如您有抑鬱、失眠或孤獨。通過這類討論,我們在打破障礙方面取得了重大進展。”

瑞安和同樣來自東聖蓋博谷心理健康中心的社區健康工作者杜忠(Trung Du,音譯),每周兩次到場傾聽,並用居民的母語與他們交談,他們發現這樣做很成功。他們兩人精通普通話、粵語、越南語和英語。

“Tea Time”將在2024年繼續在蒙特利公園舉行,預計將為洛杉磯縣其他社區宣佈類似的計劃。

想要了解更多信息或參與“Tea Time”的人,可以聯繫東聖蓋博谷LACDMH辦公室,電話:(626) 430-2900或Langley蘭利老年中心,電話:(626) 307-1395。


LACDMH Celebrates First Anniversary of “Tea Time,” Serving the AAPI Community

This program, created in the wake of tragedy, provides mental health awareness and support to older adults.

LOS ANGELES — Today, the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH) is celebrating the first anniversary of its Tea Time program in Monterey Park. In just 11 months, Tea Time’s average attendance grew roughly 260% from an average attendance of 50 people a day in February 2023 to 180 in December 2023. Additionally, the program has referred more than 160 people for an intake appointment with LACDMH services.

The program serves predominantly Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) older adults on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Langley Senior Center (400 W. Emerson Ave.) in Monterey Park. LACDMH staff opens the door to mental health support by having casual conversations over green tea and snacks.

“We are so grateful that Tea Time has been a welcome and popular addition to the community who has wholeheartedly embraced this program, which has served as a bridge to offer hope and healing,” said Dr. Lisa H. Wong, LACDMH Director. “Tea Time provides a safe and familiar space where anyone can meet and talk without judgment or fear. Programs like this are the types of culturally sensitive approaches we can provide, recognizing the needs of the diverse residents and communities we serve.”

The program was created in response to the tragic Lunar New Year mass shooting in Monterey Park on Jan. 21, 2023, which resulted in 11 deaths and nine injuries. Tea Time originally provided a supportive community so individuals could collectively grieve the deadliest mass shooting in Los Angeles County. Now, it is a place to break down barriers and address stigmas in a safe environment.

“Many older adults in the AAPI community have a stigmatized view of mental health,” said Ryan Nam, a clerk with the East San Gabriel Valley Mental Health Center who has been working at Tea Time since the beginning of the program. “To discuss the importance of mental health, we share that mental health is about how you feel in your heart — if your heart has depression, sleeplessness, or loneliness — that is all part of our overall mental health and well-being. Through these types of discussions, we have made significant inroads in breaking down barriers.”

Nam, and his Tea Time partner, Trung Du, a Community Health Worker also with the East San Gabriel Valley Mental Health Center, have found success by being present to listen twice a week and by speaking with residents in their native languages — the duo is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese and English.

Tea Time will continue in Monterey Park throughout 2024, and similar programs are expected to be announced for other communities throughout Los Angeles County. To learn more or participate in Tea Time, contact the East San Gabriel Valley LACDMH office in Covina at (626) 430-2900 or the Langley Senior Center at (626) 307-1395.


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