[El Monte, CA]— Happy 50 Plus Foundation and USAging in Washington, D.C. have been awarded the 2024 Immunization Neighborhood Champion Award by the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit (NAIIS) for their work through the Aging and Disability Vaccination...
Amid Tragedies, Hope Is Emerging For Older AAPI/Chinese Americans A Message from Amanda Lee, CEO and Co-Founder of Happy 50 Plus Foundation On Saturday 1/21/2023 night, right at the beginning of the Lunar New Year celebration, a gunman entered a dance studio in...
Amanda Lee, CEO and Co-Founder, Happy50Plus In early 2018, I was thinking, I cannot believe I already turned 50! Having been in the United States since the 1990’s when I came to attend graduate school at Boston University and then stayed to work and have a family, I...
維吉尼亞州,阿靈頓市,2020年6月8日—今天,值得信賴並致力於確保人人都能健康老齡化的全美領導組織:全國老齡委員會(National Council on Aging, 簡稱NCOA),特別向【樂活50加】(Happy50Plus)的執行長李兆平(Amanda Lee)及另外四位來自全美的銀齡事業領導者頒發榮譽獎項,肯定他們為努力建立一個公正、有愛心的社會,並幫助所有人都能在有尊嚴、有目的和有安全感的情況下健康老齡化做出的努力和成績。 6月8日舉行的NCOA 2020年度【老齡化+行動虛擬會議】線上開幕式對獲獎者進行了表彰。...